Audit of USAID/Egypt’s Democracy and Governance Activities
USAID/Egypt develop and document a training plan for assistance recipients to explain USAID rules, regulations, and expectations, prior to beginning activities.
USAID/Egypt document a review of authorizing designation letters for its technical representatives to ensure that staff have appropriate authority to manage agreements and administratively approve financial payments.
USAID/Egypt develop and document a training plan to provide its democracy and governance staff refresher training on how to effectively manage programs including contracting and financial management responsibilities.
USAID/Egypt document a review of its programs to determine whether a mission-wide order on antiterrorism measures would help to mitigate the mission's risk of inadvertently providing financing to terrorist organizations or individuals associated with terrorism.
USAID/Egypt document and provide training to the democracy and governance implementers on USAID's antiterrorism measures.
USAID/Egypt develop a standardized checklist to document management reviews as a part of democracy and governance program assessments.
USAID/Egypt make a management decision on the questioned cost sharing and recover estimated cost share contributions of $8,493 identified for amounts deemed payable.
USAID/Egypt document a review of the democracy and governance agreements' financial information to determine if appropriate cost share contributions have been made and document a plan to recover any outstanding contributions.
USAID/Egypt develop a written plan to require its technical representatives to provide certifications about training participants' noncompliance with documentation requirements, which would be reported to the mission director immediately to limit potential governmental liabilities.
USAID/Egypt explore and document possibilities to recover the unused equipment and put it to immediate and better use within 15 days.