Survey of Security Incidents Reported by Private Security Contractors of USAID/Iraq's Contractors and Grantees
USAID/Iraq require its implementing partners to establish procedures to monitor the reporting of security incidents to ensure that such incidents are properly reported in accordance with Embassy and USAID guidance and verify that each implementing partner has completed this corrective action.
USAID/Iraq provide training for the implementing partners to coordinate and reinforce roles and responsibilities and to address control weaknesses in security incident reporting requirements.
USAID/Iraq require its implementing partners to establish and maintain records of reported serious security incidents and verify that each implementing partner has completed this corrective action.
USAID/Iraq develop and provide training for its agreement/contracting officer's technical representatives for their roles in receiving, reviewing, and forwarding serious security incident reports to the designated USAID/Iraq mailbox and other required security incident responsibilities.
USAID/Iraq request Embassy Baghdad to issue instructions for private security contractors and their personnel in accordance with Interim Final Rule 32 CFR 159.4(c).