Gaza Oversight

USAID OIG is committed to providing comprehensive oversight of USAID’s response in Gaza. Our audits, evaluations, inspections, and other products identify vulnerabilities in USAID programming and offer recommendations and observations to inform USAID policies and decisions. Additionally, our criminal investigators actively pursue allegations of fraud, diversion, corruption, and sexual exploitation and abuse to hold bad actors accountable for misuse of USAID funds. 

Report Diversion and Misconduct 

USAID OIG has identified Gaza as a high-risk area for potential diversion and misuse of U.S.-funded assistance. It is USAID OIG’s investigative priority to ensure that assistance does not fall into the hands of foreign terrorist organizations including, but not limited to, Hamas. 

USAID implementing partners (i.e., nongovernmental organizations, contractors, and UN agencies/public international organizations) are required to disclose allegations to OIG involving potential diversion or misuse of USAID funds, whether intentional or inadvertent. 

USAID OIG also reminds USAID-funded implementers to report allegations that funds received by USAID have been distributed or otherwise transmitted to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).  Please view and share the UNRWA alerts in Englishand Arabic.

Gaza Oversight Products:






Feb 22, 2016
Audit Report


Mar 19, 2015
Audit Report