Whistleblower Protection

Employees of USAID, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, U.S. African Development Foundation, Inter-American Foundation, Development Finance Corporation, and their contractors, subcontractors and grantees can perform an important service by reporting what they reasonably believe to be evidence of wrongdoing, and they should never be subjected to or threatened with reprisal for doing so. Protections and remedies for whistleblowers vary by category. Please visit the following links to learn more:

Whistleblower Coordinator

By law, most Offices of Inspector General must designate a Whistleblower Protection Coordinator (formerly known as the “Ombudsman”). At USAID OIG the Coordinator’s duties are:

  • Educating employees under USAID OIG’s oversight jurisdiction about prohibitions on retaliation for protected disclosures, as well as educating specific employees who have made or are contemplating making a protected disclosure about the rights and remedies against retaliation for protected disclosures.
  • Assisting the Inspector General in promoting the timely and appropriate handling and consideration of protected disclosures and allegations of reprisal, to the extent practicable, by the Inspector General.
  • Coordinating with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, the Council of the Inspectors General in Integrity and Efficiency, USAID and the other agencies for which USAID OIG provides oversight, Congress and other relevant entities regarding the timely and appropriate handling of protected disclosures, allegations of reprisal, and general matters regarding the implementation of whistleblower protection laws, rules and regulations.

Please note that the Whistleblower Protection Coordinator is prohibited from acting as an employee’s or former employee’s legal representative, agent, or advocate.

The USAID OIG Whistleblower Protection Coordinator is currently:

Celtia Rokebrand

The OIG Whistleblower Coordinator welcomes opportunities to speak to components of the agencies that the OIG oversees. Contact the Coordinator to arrange a presentation. Customized presentations for managers and other employees are available.

Recent OSC Policy Statements