Audit of Selected USAID/Uganda's P.L. 480 Title II Program Activities
USAID/Uganda, in conjunction with the Office of Food for Peace in Washington, DC, create a document that formally outlines the responsibilities and authorities of the USAID/Uganda Food for Peace project managers.
USAID/Uganda revise agreements with cooperating sponsors in order to provide precise definitions of the targeted population and the criteria to follow in order to be part of the food aid program-specifically, to identify the allowable time for malnourished children and pregnant and lactating women to be in the food program.
USAID Office of Food for Peace revise its branding strategy for the P.L. 480 Title II nonemergency food aid program in Uganda to focus more on direct communication with project beneficiaries.
USAID/Uganda establish written procedures to ensure that site visits provide for data quality testing and adequate documentation of the test results and provide training to mission staff on those procedures.
USAID/Uganda correct the problems identified in the August 2009 data quality assessment of its P.L. 480 Title II program.
USAID/Uganda conduct a followup data quality assessment of its P.L. 480 Title II program.
USAID/Uganda conduct training on data quality assessment for the implementing partner and subpartner to define how data should be collected for its P.L. 480 Title II program.
USAID/Uganda, in conjunction with its cooperating sponsors, develop and implement a plan of action with a timetable to (a) include commodities and warehouse inspections during site visits to the warehouses and distribution centers, and correct the weaknesses noted; (b) ensure that distribution centers warehouse staffs are aware of the USAID Office of Food for Peace storage guidelines; and (c) ensure that commodities are regularly inspected, and fumigated when signs of infestation are found.
USAID/Uganda require its cooperating sponsors to develop policies and procedures to inspect commodities and warehouses during site visits and to ensure that internal transportation, storage, and handling are adequate by local commercial standards.
USAID/Uganda direct the cooperating sponsor to develop a list of documents to be retained at the distribution site and require that this documentation be verified during postdistribution monitoring visits.
USAID/Uganda document and verify that its cooperating sponsors (a) have developed a complete beneficiary database and are using it to print lists of eligible beneficiaries prior to each distribution, (b) review the eligibility of each beneficiary monthly, and (c) have developed and implemented written procedures for food distribution.