Review of Fondation Sogebank's Activities Financed by USAID/Haiti
USAID/Haiti require Fondation Sogebank to submit an updated implementation plan and performance indicator targets to reflect what is possible during the remainder of the Haitian Diaspora Marketplace Program.
USAID/Haiti assist Fondation Sogebank with the development of performance indicators that will measure the progress and impact of the program's activities.
USAID/Haiti conduct data quality assessments on all indicators selected for inclusion in the program's performance management plan.
USAID/Haiti enforce Fondation Sogebank's compliance with the requirement to submit semiannual progress reports to the mission's agreement officer's technical representative.
USAID/Haiti require Haitian Diaspora Marketplace Program employees to submit activity reports on time to comply with their employment contracts.
USAID/Haiti make a management decision regarding the $48,715 in unsupported salary charges for Haitian Diaspora Marketplace Program employees, and recover the amount determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Haiti help Fondation Sogebank develop and incorporate budgeting processes and procedures in its operations manual that require a budget comparison before procurement.
USAID/Haiti work with Fondation Sogebank to develop a strategy that will target and provide technical assistance to bidders that are able to submit concept papers of the desired quality.
USAID/Haiti and Fondation Sogebank review the approval process under the Haitian Diaspora Marketplace Program to determine whether the process can be streamlined and accelerated.
USAID/Haiti and Fondation Sogebank reevaluate and revise the key components of the Haitian Diaspora Marketplace Program to address and correct the delays in approving grant proposals.
USAID/Haiti work with Fondation Sogebank to reestablish a project steering committee and outline the specific responsibilities that the committee will carry out for the remainder of the Haitian Diaspora Marketplace Program.
USAID/Haiti obtain and approve Fondation Sogebank's final communications plan, performance management plan, and operations manual containing policies and procedures for the Haitian Diaspora Marketplace Program.
USAID/Haiti require Fondation Sogebank to establish and use a dedicated bank account for all Haitian Diaspora Marketplace Program activity.
USAID/Haiti verify that Fondation Sogebank reimbursed, in full, the additional accounts that were used to pay Haitian Diaspora Marketplace Program expenses, and direct Fondation Sogebank to request future advances of program funds in a timely manner.
USAID/Haiti request an updated staffing strategy for the Haitian Diaspora Marketplace Program that will provide timely and adequate coverage for the management of the grants program.