Audit of USAID/Kenya’s Efforts to Mitigate Environmental Impact in Its Project Portfolio
USAID/Kenya determine the extent of its responsibilities for health-care waste generated by its HIV/AIDS service providers.
USAID/Kenya amend its initial environmental examination for health to include the President's Malaria Initiative program and to remove the recommended deferral.
USAID/Kenya develop and implement a plan with steps to ensure that required environmental documentation, including initial environmental examinations, pesticide evaluation reports and safer use action plans, environmental screening forms, and environmental mitigation and monitoring plans, is completed, updated, and clearly reported on in quarterly and annual reports, as appropriate.
USAID/Kenya develop and implement a plan to ensure that agreement and contracting officer's technical representatives incorporate environmental monitoring into site visits.
USAID/Kenya notify mission personnel and implementing partners in writing about the free resources to aid environmental monitoring that are available on the Environmentally Sound Design and Management Capacity Building for Partners and Programs in Africa Web site.
USAID/Kenya develop a plan with milestones to implement its responsibilities for health-care waste generated by its HIV/AIDS service providers, including the revision of all relevant program documents and agreements.
USAID/Kenya immediately require, in writing, that implementing partners conduct necessary water tests at all completed water points constructed or refurbished for human consumption, take any corrective action necessary, and require written reports detailing test results and actions taken.
USAID/Kenya develop and implement a plan to ensure that all implementing partners conduct required water tests at all future water points constructed or refurbished for human consumption.
USAID/Kenya develop a mission order on environmental compliance that outlines roles, responsibilities, and expectations at the mission.
USAID/Kenya develop and implement a plan with milestones to increase time and resources available to the mission environmental officer function.
USAID/Kenya develop a plan with milestones for training mission staff and implementing partners in environmental requirements, procedures, and expectations.
For activities with threshold decisions of Negative Determination with Conditions and Positive Determination, we recommend that USAID/Kenya develop and implement a plan with steps to a) incorporate environmental assessment and monitoring requirements into solicitations and signed awards and b) incorporate environmental expertise into the selection criteria for implementing partners.
USAID/Kenya update its natural resource management initial environmental examination.