Audit of USAID/Philippines' Education Quality and Access for Learning and Livelihood Skills Program, Phase II
USAID/Philippines develop and implement procedures that include data validation steps in site visits and document the results.
USAID/Philippines mandate that all agreements and contracts have a clause requiring partners and subpartners to report all suspicion or allegation of waste, fraud, abuse, or corruption through appropriate channels including USAID's Office of Inspector General.
USAID/Philippines require its implementing partner to develop and implement data validation steps in its monitoring visits and document the results.
USAID/Philippines require the implementing partner to validate the performance data reported in fiscal year 2009 and certify the accuracy of the data in its management information system.
USAID/Philippines clarify the definition of the teacher training indicator with the implementing partner, in writing, and require the implementing partner to verify and report the accomplishments that meet the indicator definition.
USAID/Philippines take immediate action to clarify the targets that the implementing partner is responsible for achieving by the end of the program. Those targets should be clearly communicated and agreed to by the implementing partner and incorporated in key performance management documents.
USAID/Philippines require the implementing partner to include a budget in the remaining annual work plans and submit them for approval before implementation of activities.
USAID/Philippines require the implementing partner to update the monitoring and evaluation plan to reflect the approved targets and new program framework.
USAID/Philippines require its implementing partner to develop and implement a plan to (1) identify how the mentoring program will be implemented and monitored at schools and (2) assist mentors in completing the core training courses in the identified subject areas and document each mentor's completion of the courses.
USAID/Philippines require its implementing partner to establish written procedures for providing adequate oversight of program partners' activities.