Audit of USAID/Kenya’s PEPFAR-Funded Activities for the Prevention of Transmission of HIV
USAID/Kenya require that performance targets are established for each indicator and implement a system to ensure that the targets are consistently updated and aligned in its performance management plans and the implementing partners' progress reports.
USAID/Kenya require mission officials to document all key meetings and conduct regular site visits which include data quality testing and soliciting suggestions to improve the mission's monitoring and evaluation of activities.
USAID/Kenya obtain from Population Services International the monitoring and evaluation plan required in the cooperative agreement.
USAID/Kenya require that all changes to partner-reported results be documented and communicated, as appropriate.
USAID/Kenya prohibit partners from changing results in Kenya's Program Monitoring System after a specified date without first requesting written approval.
USAID/Kenya require implementing partners to indicate that data in quarterly reports are not final and that final reported results may change significantly.
USAID/Kenya work with partners to establish a data compilation and filing system that permits users to access support for data reported under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief prevention indicators.
USAID/Kenya expand monitoring and evaluation support for the Office of Population and Health.
USAID/Kenya complete data quality assessments for all of its HIV/AIDS indicators.
USAID/Kenya establish a uniform system for collecting, collating, and reporting results for prevention indicators that would facilitate verification and ensure that the same system is followed consistently by all implementing partners.