Audit of USAID/Mozambique's HIV/AIDS Treatment Program
USAID/Mozambique define its performance indicators, the collection methodology for data on those performance indicators, and the steps to help ensure that reported information meets the data quality standards in chapter 203 of USAID's Automated Directives System.
USAID/Mozambique assess participating pharmacies, identify commodity management weaknesses, and correct identified weaknesses.
USAID/Mozambique collaborate with Supply Chain Management System to ensure that boxes of antiretroviral drugs are labeled according to the Automated Directives System section 320.
USAID/Mozambique enforce partner compliance with USAID's branding requirements, including obtaining documentation from partners that they have effectively communicated to service providers and beneficiaries that the American people are funding the HIV/AIDS program activities.
USAID/Mozambique provide training to staff of all implementing partners and HIV/AIDS treatment facilities on how to properly establish reporting cutoff dates, reconcile differences between the treatment facilities' data and partners' databases, and maintain source documents to support periodic reporting to USAID.
USAID/Mozambique develop and implement a system to consistently obtain documentation for quarterly reports from its partners as part of its routine monitoring and evaluation of their activities.
USAID/Mozambique complete an FY 2010 performance management plan that complies with Automated Directives System 203.3.3 and USAID's Performance Management Toolkit and includes performance targets and the actual performance data for FY 2009.
USAID/Mozambique facilitate the development of a plan to encourage coordination between implementing partners on technical assistance and training in supply chain management.
USAID/Mozambique, in collaboration with its implementing partners, provide commodities management assistance and training at the clinic level.
USAID/Mozambique develop and implement controls to help ensure that the central warehouse inventory management system accounts for all commodities in the Matola and Zimpeto central warehouses.
USAID/Mozambique collaborate with Mozambique's Ministry of Health to properly dispose of expired and unusable commodities in the Matola warehouse.
USAID/Mozambique, in collaboration with its implementing partners, provide training to warehouse and pharmacy staff on proper pharmaceutical storage.