Audit of USAID/Nigeria’s Malaria Interventions
USAID/Nigeria make a final determination on the estimated $710,218 in unsupported questioned costs for the 177,954 bed nets that were stolen or unaccounted for, and recover from the recipients any amounts determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Nigeria develop and implement a plan of action and written procedures requiring that bed nets procured and distributed with U.S. Government funds be tracked, accounted for, and documented for program management verification.
USAID/Nigeria require that the implementing partner distribute the remaining 437,250 doses of artemisininbased combination treatments stored at its warehouse in Lagos.
USAID/Nigeria, in coordination with its implementing partners, develop procedures to validate (including cross-checking) and evaluate the completeness, accuracy, and consistency of its reported data for the number of insecticide-treated nets distributed or sold with U.S.
Government funds and the number of people trained with U.S. Government
funds in malaria treatment or prevention.
USAID/Nigeria include the goal of increasing access to and use of intermittent preventive treatment of pregnant women as an indicator in its performance management plan and track its progress toward meeting its objective.
USAID/Nigeria explain its involvement in achieving the result it reported in its annual performance report for the number of bed nets distributed or sold with U.S. Government funds.