Audit of USAID/Ethiopia's Agricultural Sector Program Activities
USAID/Ethiopia provide its staff with training regarding the requirements of its mission order addressing performance management and evaluation and document the training.
USAID/Ethiopia issue written guidance to all mission personnel and implementing partner staff reinforcing the Agency's branding requirements and their importance.
USAID/Ethiopia analyze its current branding practices and develop a written plan that makes the branding of USAID-funded activities, commodities, and other elements of its program in Ethiopia, more effective.
USAID/Ethiopia develop and implement a written plan to (a) identify USAID-funded commodities that have not been properly branded and (b) brand those commodities.
USAID/Ethiopia (a) require that its implementing partners verify and certify that all subawards include the required provision related to Executive Order 13224 and (b) that the mission's Office of Assistance and Acquisition confirm these certifications by selecting and verifying that a sample of subawards include the required provision.
USAID/Ethiopia require its environmental officer to provide annual training to its technical officers and to document and monitor mission compliance with the environmental regulations outlined in USAID's Automated Directives System 204.
USAID/Ethiopia (a) perform and document an environmental examination of its agricultural program and activities and (b) document the completion any actions identified in the environmental examination as necessary to safeguard the environment.
USAID/Ethiopia (a) review its agreements/contracts and document those omitting the required training provisions and (b) incorporate the appropriate training provision in each agreement/contract that is lacking that provision.
USAID/Ethiopia develop and implement a written plan with milestones to help ensure that technical representatives and implementing partners comply with Automated Directives System 253 and Mission Order 11-2.
USAID/Ethiopia develop a written comprehensive performance management plan for its agricultural sector program.
USAID/Ethiopia (a) require that its partners' annual implementation plans include targets for the outputs to be achieved during the year and (b) approve these implementation plans in writing.
USAID/Ethiopia establish written procedures to ensure that site visits provide for data quality testing and adequate documentation of the test results.
USAID/Ethiopia correct the problems identified in the October/November 2007 data quality assessment of its agricultural program.
USAID/Ethiopia conduct a followup data quality assessment of its agricultural program.
USAID/Ethiopia require that negotiation memoranda be prepared for all awards.
USAID/Ethiopia (a) identify awards lacking current designation letters and (b) execute designation letters for those awards.
USAID/Ethiopia develop and implement the use of an award file checklist that includes the negotiation memorandum and technical officer designation letters as documents to be included in the award file (this checklist may be similar to that provided for USAID/Washington contracting officers in Procurement Executive's Bulletin No. 2005-06).