Audit of USAID’s Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 2008 and 2007
USAID's Chief Financial Officer implement a process in accordance with the Supplement to Treasury Financial Manual Volume 1, Part 2-5100, section V (A), Periodic Review and Evaluation, to perform and document monthly reconciliation of its Fund Balance with Treasury account with the U.S. Teasury and to identify, track, and resolve all differences in a timely manner.
USAID/Pakistan determine the allowability of $6,548 in questioned costs (ineligible) identified in the fund accountability statement on page 29, and further detailed in Findings 1-4 on pages 50-53 of the audit report ($1,743), and the project costs not covered by the audit as discussed on page 2 of this memorandum ($4,805), and recover any amount that is unallowable.
USAID's Office of the Chief Financial Officer implement procedures to reconcile loans receivable balances in Phoenix with the loans receivable balances in Midland's Enterprise Loan System and to investigate and resolve differences in a timely manner.
USAID/Pakistan for the Small Grants and Ambassador's Fund Program (SGAFP), establish the total amount of USAID funds that were misappropriated and reimbursed by USAID (ineligible) as discussed on page 2 of this memorandum and further detailed in the management letter (Observation 5 on pages 58-59 of the audit report), determine allowability, and recover any amount that is unallowable.
USAID's Chief Financial Officer develop and implement procedures to ensure that cognizant technical officers review and validate the quarterly accounts payable and accrued expenses amounts generated by the Accrual Reporting System before that information is recorded in the general ledger.
USAID's Chief Financial Officer develop and implement an overall plan to identify and correct the errors in the posting models and to maintain, update, and test posting models on a periodic basis.