USAID OIG Conference Expenses - Fiscal Year 2016

Conference Expenses

OIG had one training conference with expenses exceeding $100,000 during this reporting cycle.  OIG has in place policy which states, “OIG –planned conferences with anticipated expenses exceeding $100,000, including travel expenses, must be approved by the Deputy Inspector General.”  In addition, all other OIG-planned conferences must be approved by the Assistant Inspector General for Management.  To reduce conference spending, OIG has continued using teleconferencing and videoconferencing in lieu of face-to face meetings whenever practical.

The following information is provided for the training conference with expenses exceeding $100,000:

  1. Total expenses incurred by the agency for the conference:  $208K
  2. The location of the conference:  Washington DC Metro Area
  3. The date of the Conference:  April 18 – 29, 2016
  4. A brief explanation how the conference advanced the mission of the agency:  The Attorney General guidelines for offices of inspectors general with statutory law enforcement authority mandate that OIG provide “periodic refresher training” to certain categories of personnel.  OIG’s global presence makes it impossible to provide required training with consistent quality to all personnel in their countries of assignment.  Training offered at the conference was designed to improve technical skills in furtherance of OIG’s strategic goals, Attorney General guidelines, and guidance from the Council of Inspectors General for Integrity and Efficiency regarding the prevention and detection of fraud, waste, and abuse.
  5. The total number of individuals whose travel expenses or other conference expenses were paid by the agency:  56
