USAID's Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Cost, Audit and Support Division, verify that Africare corrects the two material weaknesses (Findings 2016-001 and 2016-002) and two significant deficiencies (Findings 2016-003 and 2016-004) in the report on internal control over financial reporting and corrects the two material weakness (Findings 2016-001 and 2016-002) and five significant deficiencies (Findings 2016-003 through 2016-007) in the report on compliance for each major federal program and on internal control over compliance detailed on pages II-1 through III-3 of the report.
USAID's Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Cost, Audit and Support Division, verify that Africare corrects the four instances of noncompliance (Findings 2016-001 through 2016-004) in the report on compliance and other matters and corrects the two material noncompliances findings 2016-001 and 2016-002 and five instances of noncompliance findings 2016-003 through 2016-007 in the report on compliance for each major federal program detailed on pages II-2 through III-2 of the report.