Title 2 CFR Part 200 Audit of Africare for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2016


USAID's Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Cost, Audit and Support Division, verify that Africare corrects the two material weaknesses (Findings 2016-001 and 2016-002) and two significant deficiencies (Findings 2016-003 and 2016-004) in the report on internal control over financial reporting and corrects the two material weakness (Findings 2016-001 and 2016-002) and five significant deficiencies (Findings 2016-003 through 2016-007) in the report on compliance for each major federal program and on internal control over compliance detailed on pages II-1 through III-3 of the report.

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USAID's Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Cost, Audit and Support Division, verify that Africare corrects the four instances of noncompliance (Findings 2016-001 through 2016-004) in the report on compliance and other matters and corrects the two material noncompliances findings 2016-001 and 2016-002 and five instances of noncompliance findings 2016-003 through 2016-007 in the report on compliance for each major federal program detailed on pages II-2 through III-2 of the report.

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