USAID/Kenya and East Africa determine the allowability of $3,624,147 in ineligible questioned costs on pages 12 and 15 of the audit report and recover any amount that is unallowable.
USAID/Kenya and East Africa verify that Project for Appropriate Technology in Health corrects the one material weakness and one significant deficiency in internal control detailed on pages 19 to 21 of the audit report.
USAID/Kenya and East Africa verify that Project for Appropriate Technology in Health corrects the four instances of material noncompliance detailed on pages 24 to 29 of the audit report.
USAID/Kenya and East Africa determine the allowability of $58,841 in ineligible questioned cost sharing contributions identified on pages 24, 25, and 31 of the audit report and take any corrective action deemed necessary under ADS 303.3.10.