USAID/India determine the allowability of $146,204 in questioned costs (ineligible) identified in the fund accountability statement on page 28, and further detailed in Findings 1 and 2 in the Annexure to Questioned Costs on pages 40-41 of the audit report, and recover any amount that is unallowable.
USAID/India verify that the IPE Global Limited corrects the two material instances of noncompliance discussed on page 2 of this memorandum and further discussed in Findings 1 and 2 in the Annexure to Questioned Costs on pages 40-41 of the audit report.
USAID/India verify that the IPE Global Limited corrects the material weakness in internal control identified in the report on internal control on page 46 and further discussed in Finding 1 in the Annexure on page 47 of the audit report.
USAID/India verify that the IPE Global Limited corrects the material instance of noncompliance identified in the report on compliance on page 50 and further discussed in the Annexure on pages 51-52; and the finding in the report on internal control on page 46 that we considered as a material instance of noncompliance discussed on page 2 of this memorandum and further discussed in Finding 2 in the Annexure on pages 47-48 of the audit report.