USAID/Pakistan determine the allowability of $6,548 in questioned costs (ineligible) identified in the fund accountability statement on page 29, and further detailed in Findings 1-4 on pages 50-53 of the audit report ($1,743), and the project costs not covered by the audit as discussed on page 2 of this memorandum ($4,805), and recover any amount that is unallowable.
USAID/Pakistan for the Small Grants and Ambassador's Fund Program (SGAFP), establish the total amount of USAID funds that were misappropriated and reimbursed by USAID (ineligible) as discussed on page 2 of this memorandum and further detailed in the management letter (Observation 5 on pages 58-59 of the audit report), determine allowability, and recover any amount that is unallowable.