Financial Audit of USAID Resources Managed by Churches Health Association of Zambia Under Cooperative Agreement AID-611-A-16-00003, January 1 to December 31, 2017
USAID/Zambia determine the allowability of $116,041 in ineligible questioned costs on pages 20 and 36 of the audit report and recover any amount that is unallowable.
USAID/Zambia verify that Churches Health Association of Zambia corrects the four instances of material noncompliance detailed on pages 36 and 39 to 42 of the audit report.
USAID/Zambia verify that Churches Health Association of Zambia provides the subrecipient a copy of findings raised in the report for its review and appropriate action regarding the allowability of $1,001 in ineligible question costs detailed on pages 20 and 25 of the audit report and the two instances of material noncompliance detailed on pages 37 and 38 of the audit report.