USAID/Colombia document and implement a plan of action, with milestones, for the remainder of the program, to address the land titling plans that were submitted to the Colombian Government for approval.
USAID/Colombia determine the allowability of
$2,086,829 in ineligible questioned costs for subawards that were not competed, and recover from ACDI/VOCA any amounts deemed unallowable.
USAID/Colombia review all subawards issued by the Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Program that were awarded without competition and determine whether an adequate justification for exception to competition exists, take remedial action, including recovering any costs deemed unallowable, and document the results.
USAID/Colombia issue a written notice to ACDI/VOCA of its responsibilities related to competition, and document any exceptions to competition.
USAID/Colombia instruct ACDI/VOCA in writing to provide proper documentation supporting training lasting more than 1 day to USAID.
USAID/Colombia determine whether the midterm evaluation should be conducted as planned, make changes if appropriate, and document the results.