USAID/Colombia work with Tetra Tech ES Inc. to develop a work plan for completing as many of the activities, expected results, and indicator targets as possible.
USAID/Colombia provide written feedback to Tetra Tech ES Inc. on areas of its performance that need improvement to achieve all outstanding contract requirements.
USAID/Colombia determine how much funding will be spent in the time remaining, and reprogram any funds that will not be used.
USAID/Colombia conduct an after-action review to determine what type of programmatic changes should have been made and account for them in future development objective planning.
USAID/Colombia issue written instructions to Tetra Tech ES Inc. to update its grants manual to include the contract prohibition on grants for unproven technology, and then follow the manual in determining which projects qualify.
USAID/Colombia determine the allowability of $1,282,965 in ineligible questioned costs charged to the Clean Energy Program for grants that did not meet the objectives of the program, and recover from Tetra Tech ES Inc. the amount determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Colombia review any awards by Tetra Tech ES Inc. to affiliates and require those entities to disclose all potential conflicts of interest between themselves and any other affiliated companies related to noncompetitive pricing practices, and provide any findings to the Office of Acquisition and Assistance in Washington.
USAID/Colombia implement an Agency-contracted audit of Tetra Tech ES Inc. and its subcontractor Tetra Tech ARD to determine if the practice of hiring an affiliate has resulted in excessive costs to the program that might be recovered.
USAID/Colombia issue written instructions to Tetra Tech ES Inc. to modify the intercompany subcontract agreement it has with Tetra Tech ARD to tie payment of fees to achievement of targets and to include all applicable clauses required in other subcontracts to resolve the special treatment given to it.
USAID's Office of Acquisition and Assistance determine if Tetra Tech ES Inc.'s bidding practice of including affiliated companies as subcontractors violates fair competition requirements and if any of these awards should be terminated because of conflicts of interest.
USAID's Office of Acquisition and Assistance, if it determines that Tetra Tech ES Inc.'s bidding practice is fair, implement guidance for bidders on how to present costs of affiliated companies in contract proposals, and for its staff on how to review and evaluate such proposals.
USAID/Colombia review Tetra Tech ES Inc.'s consultancy agreements to verify compliance with Colombian labor laws.
USAID/Colombia require implementers to provide the mission with the assessments they conducted, and evaluate them to confirm that they are conducted in accordance with regulations.
USAID/Colombia monitor and review expenses submitted by Tetra Tech ES Inc. to confirm that they are reasonable and allowable before paying them.
USAID/Colombia determine the allowability of $192,106 in ineligible questioned costs charged to the Clean Energy Program for subcontracts and consulting fees incurred without the competition required by Tetra Tech ES Inc.'s manuals, through either a financial review or an Agency-contracted audit, and recover from Tetra Tech ES Inc. the amount determined to be unallowable.