USAID/Dominican Republic, under its new anticorruption strategy, assign responsibility for meeting program performance targets to specific entities or partners where appropriate and obtain their concurrence that the performance targets are achievable within the strategy period.
USAID/Dominican Republic follow up to ensure that the corruption case tracking system has been put into use.
USAID/Dominican Republic, in its new strategy, reach agreement with partners on procedures for systematically evaluating the effectiveness of training provided.
USAID/Dominican Republic exercise its influence with the Government of the Dominican Republic to ensure that the pilot institutions implement the recommended anticorruption measures that were developed through the pilot projects.
USAID/Dominican Republic revise the performance management plan to correct the reporting issues discussed in this report.
USAID/Dominican Republic report on its performance management plan performance indicators in its next operating plan results report.
USAID/Dominican Republic implement controls to provide reasonable assurance that complete and accurate information is reported in the performance management plan and operating plan results report. This should include assigning responsibility for verifying reported information and providing feedback to partners on progress reports to specific staff members.