USAID/El Salvador document steps taken to develop a performance indicator that measures whether the Municipal Competitiveness Project is making progress in promoting investment and trade.
USAID/El Salvador establish a process to differentiate new firms and jobs from those that are newly registered but have been operating informally, and collect additional data that would more accurately measure economic growth and employment directly resulting from the Municipal Competitiveness Project.
USAID/El Salvador prepare a schedule and conduct regular site visits to the participating municipalities over the remaining contract
period, and document the visits in accordance with Mission Order 750.
USAID/El Salvador obtain access to the Training Results and Information Network, and properly monitor and report on in-country training programs and participants in accordance with USAID's Automated Directives System 253 and Mission Order 745.
USAID/El Salvador obtain the baseline assessment of business ownership and the gender integration plan from Research Triangle Institute, and implement the actions presented in the gender analysis.
USAID/El Salvador amend the contract with
Research Triangle Institute to include environmental compliance language that will make
the environmental mitigation plan mandatory if its activating conditions are met.