USAID/Guatemala establish tangible targets for its outcome indicators with baselines and time frames for its program development goals in the mission-wide performance monitoring plan, and disseminate guidance in writing to require program awards to link activities to the plan's goals.
USAID/Guatemala implement a schedule for conducting periodic compliance reviews of all site visit documentation.
USAID/Guatemala provide RTI International with written guidance for properly reporting the number of individuals trained in the quarterly reports and Training, Resource, Advocacy, and Information Network, and validate in the next data quality assessment that RTI is reporting the data accurately.
USAID/Guatemala determine the extent of the incorrectly reported training data, and make corrections to Training, Resource, Advocacy, and Information Network and indicator data, and document the results.
USAID/Guatemala either document a plan for complying with environmental responsibilities related to the program's grant with the Tigo or terminate the portion of the grant related to leveraged reconstruction activities. If the mission chooses to terminate the construction portion of the grant, it should obtain and document reasonable assurance that Tigo complied with USAID environmental requirements for the projects completed with Tigo funding under the grant.
USAID/Guatemala draft a statement of work for a final evaluation of the program to include determining whether it is resulting in continued alliance partners' investments to health and education projects in Guatemala and is resulting in sustainable alliance partners.
USAID/Guatemala reevaluate the program's use of water filters to determine whether there is a way to make the project sustainable; if not, discontinue funding the filters and conduct follow-up monitoring to see whether the filters from other grants are being replaced after expiration and document results.
The Director of Office of Management Policy, Budget, and Performance issue written guidance regarding the appropriate use of rapid response funds as part of development awards.
USAID/Guatemala issue to all its implementers the USAID Counter-Trafficking in Persons Field Guide, which includes guidance for reporting suspected cases of trafficking through the Office of Inspector General Hotline.