USAID/Honduras ensure that awards to support DR-CAFTA implementation under the new strategy clearly describe the activities to be supported and the higher-leval results they will contribute to.
USAID/Honduras, under its new strategy, finance an assessment or study to develop a prioritized list of actions needed to implement DR-CAFTA.
USAID/Honduras develop a performance management plan for its Trade, Investment, and Competitiveness program in line with its new strategy.
USAID/Honduras develop performance indicators to measure accomplishment of higher-level outcomes and lower-level outputs under its new strategy plan for its Trade, Investment, and Competitiveness program.
USAID/Honduras review USAID directives and guidance regarding data quality assessments and conduct data quality assessments of each indicator under the new strategy plan for its Trade, Investment, and Competitiveness program in accordance with these directives and guidance.
USAID/Honduras establish procedures requiring cognizant technical officers to periodically verify results reported by partners under the Trade, Investment, and Competitiveness program.
USAID/Honduras review USAID directives and guidance and develop mission procedures to ensure that portfolio review requirements are met.
USAID/Honduras correct its reporting on the FY 2007 performance indicators for the Trade, Investment, and Compehtitiveness program.