USAID/Peru work with Centro de Informacion y Educacion para la Prevencion del Abuso de Drogras to create a written sustainability plan for the technological centers.
USAID/Peru work with Centro de Informacion y Educacion para la Prevencion del Abuso de Drogras to reevaluate and document what indicators should be tracked for all three components and report on the progress of these indicators.
USAID/Peru direct Centro de Informacion y Educacion para la Prevencion del Abuso de Drogras to define in writing the criteria for reporting a person trained.
USAID/Peru work with CARANA Corp. and Centro de Informacion y Educacion para la Prevencion del Abuso de Drogras to update USAID's Training Results and Information Network to accurately reflect who has been trained.
USAID/Peru work with Centro de Informacion y Educacion para la Prevencion del Abuso de Drogras to implement policies and procedures on what and how information should be collected at the technological centers.
USAID/Peru develop in conjunction with CARANA Corp. a template for summarized reporting of expected target results and progress toward those targets.
USAID/Peru document a revised calculation for jobs generated from existing crops assisted and document a full-time equivalent multiplier, which is a coefficient for calculating jobs created through planting plantains.