USAID/Jamaica, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, use lessons learned from the Basic Education Project to implement targets and performance indicators for the follow-on project that represent the intended results clearly and adequately.
USAID/Jamaica include in the scope of work for the follow-on project a requirement to build capacity within the Ministry of Education to monitor school performance in the classroom.
USAID/Jamaica determine the amount of the fee that should not have been paid to the contractor based on uncompleted work, make a management decision regarding the allowability of these costs, and recover the amounts determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Jamaica verify that Juarez & Associates has corrected all procurement and inventory deficiencies identified in this report and document results.
USAID/Jamaica make a management decision regarding the overpayment of purchases totaling $11,977 and recover from the contractor the amounts determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Jamaica obtain a final inventory listing and conduct a physical inventory to verify the location of all equipment and supplies purchased.
USAID/Jamaica investigate and furnish a written report of all incidents of loss, damage, destruction, or theft of the property purchased under this project and recover those costs.
USAID/Jamaica, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, implement a monitoring and oversight plan for the follow-on project to confirm that it achieves its desired results.