USAID/Zambia develop and distribute a plan or guidance to help ensure that its HIV/AIDS programming systematically addresses PEPFAR's gender-related goals.
USAID/Zambia establish roles and responsibilities for a mission gender focal point with input on all the mission's HIV/AIDS activities, and appoint an individual to the position.
USAID/Zambia set a deadline by which the Zambia Prevention, Care and Treatment Partnership II gender strategy must be approved and launched by partners, and develop a plan to meet the deadline.
USAID/Zambia require its contractor to amend the Zambia Prevention, Care and Treatment Partnership II monitoring and evaluation work plan to include a requirement to report on indicators for male involvement in prevention of mother-to-child transmission and the promotion and strengthening of couples-oriented counseling and testing.
USAID/Zambia require its contractor to disaggregate gender-relevant indicator results in the Zambia Prevention, Care and Treatment Partnership II program's periodic performance reporting.
USAID/Zambia request that its implementing partner perform a gender analysis that includes a timeline for the development and implementation of a strategy to incorporate gender into activities performed under the Local Partners Capacity Building Program.