USAID/Kenya critically evaluate its economic growth activities to determine whether they are designed to achieve the mission's strategic goals, and determine whether funds could be more effectively allocated.
USAID/Kenya implement procedures to evaluate periodically the extent to which economic growth activities are contributing towards achieving stated strategic goals, including an analysis of programming options.
USAID/Kenya remind its implementing partners involved in policy analysis and advocacy of policy advocacy objectives to help ensure that implementing partners advocate for policies consistent with USAID strategy.
USAID/Kenya (a) review its fiscal year 2009 Full Performance Plan and Report submission, (b) identify which figures are inaccurate, and (c) revise the report accordingly to prevent others from relying on inaccurate figures in the future.
USAID/Kenya review monitoring and evaluation documents, including the performance monitoring plans for implementing partners and the mission, and make the necessary changes to ensure that performance indicators are consistently defined.
USAID/Kenya communicate to all implementing partners the way performance reporting should be prepared, stressing the need to maintain supporting documentation for all reported information.
USAID/Kenya develop a schedule for agreement officer's technical representatives and contracting officer's technical representatives to review periodically the performance reporting systems and information for the agreements and contracts they oversee.