USAID/Tanzania require Mennonite Economic Development Associates to update the annual work plan for the Achievement and Maintenance of Comprehensive Coverage of Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Nets in Tanzania to include milestones for completing key activities (such as resolving issues with voucher inventories) and report on progress against those milestones in quarterly performance reports.
USAID/Tanzania require Mennonite Economic Development Associates to establish performance targets in accordance with Automated Directives System 203, "Assessing and Learning."
USAID/Tanzania issue Mennonite Economic Development Associates written requirements for reporting its performance on Achievement and Maintenance of Comprehensive Coverage of Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Nets in Tanzania.
USAID/Tanzania require Mennonite Economic Development Associates to compute the costs related to the personal use of organization-furnished automobiles charged to USAID under the Extension of Tanzania National Voucher Scheme and Achievement and Maintenance of Comprehensive
Coverage of Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Nets in Tanzania awards, determine the allowability of these ineligible questioned costs, and recover from Mennonite Economic Development Associates any amounts determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Tanzania determine the allowability of $31,899 in ineligible questioned costs (spent on employee lunches) and recover from Mennonite Economic Development Associates any amounts determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Tanzania determine the allowability of $3,492 in ineligible questioned costs (spent on personal commuting costs) and recover from Mennonite Economic Development Associates any amounts determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Tanzania require Mennonite Economic Development Associates to compute the costs related to ineligible lunch stipends and unsupported laptop reimbursements charged to USAID under the Extension of Tanzania National Voucher Scheme and Achievement and Maintenance of
Comprehensive Coverage of Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Nets in Tanzania awards, determine the allowability of these ineligible and unsupported questioned costs, and recover from Mennonite Economic Development Associates any amounts determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Tanzania review Mennonite Economic Development Associates' compensation and benefits policy, inform Mennonite Economic Development Associates, in writing, of any benefits that are
unallowable under the Achievement and Maintenance of Comprehensive Coverage of Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Nets in Tanzania award, and implement procedures to confirm that such benefits are not charged to the award.
USAID/Tanzania require Mennonite Economic Development Associates to submit an updated branding and marking plan for the Achievement and Maintenance of Comprehensive Coverage of Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Nets in Tanzania Program.