USAID/Sudan direct Management Sciences for Health to provide a training plan with benchmarks and timeframes to increase the number of deliveries attended by a skilled birth attendant.
USAID/Sudan eliminate the following phrase from its task order with Management Sciences for Health: "assess the [trained traditional birth attendant] population and select among them a cadre that can be upgraded."
USAID/Sudan clearly agree in writing with Management Sciences for Health and the Government of Southern Sudan the roles and responsibilities for the procurement, transportation, and distribution of essential drugs and other supplies necessary for Phase II of the Sudan Health Transformation Project.
USAID/Sudan develop and implement procedures to document results reported to the Foreign Assistance Coordination and Tracking System.
USAID/Sudan develop written employee exit procedures to minimize the effects of frequent staff turnover.
USAID/Sudan develop and implement a plan to increase the verification of results reported by Management Sciences for Health for Phase II of the Sudan Health Transformation Project.
USAID/Sudan develop and implement a plan for monitoring the implementation of the Sudan Health Transformation Project's Phase II branding and marking plan in compliance with USAID branding requirements.