Audit of USAID Resources Managed by Adult and Non-Formal Education Association in Ethiopia Under Multiple Agreements, January 1 to December 31, 2016


USAID/Ethiopia determine the allowability of the $14,212 in ineligible questioned costs identified on page 15 (value added tax receivable) of A.W. Thomas' audit report and recover from Adult and Non-formal Education Association in Ethiopia the amounts determined to be unallowable.

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USAID/Ethiopia verify that Adult and Non-formal Education Association in Ethiopia corrects the two significant deficiencies in internal control detailed on page 20 to 21 of A.W. Thomas' audit report.

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USAID/Ethiopia verify that Adult and Non-formal Education Association in Ethiopia provides Save the Children International in Ethiopia with a copy of the findings raised in A.W. Thomas' audit report for their review and any appropriate action regarding the allowability of $ 56,824 in questioned costs ($56,3673 ineligible and $457 unsupported) identified on pages 13 and 15, the two significant deficiencies detailed on pages 20 to 21, and the four instance of material noncompliance detailed on pages 24 to 27 of A.W. Thomas' audit report.

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USAID/Ethiopia verify that Adult and Non-formal Education Association in Ethiopia provides Save the Children International in Ethiopia with a copy of the finding raised to determine the allowability of the $2,446 in questioned cost sharing contributions ($1,975 ineligible and $ 471 unsupported) identified in the cost share contribution schedule on page 28 of A.W. Thomas' audit report relating to the subagreement and take any corrective action under ADS 303.3.10 deemed necessary.

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