In the face of the 33 percent decrease in program funding, USAID/Southern Africa develop and implement an action plan to help ensure that Project Concern International's social mobilization program achieves its main objectives.
USAID/Southern Africa determine the allowability of $22,745 in ineligible questioned costs arising from the Women's Justice and Empowerment Initiative launch and recover from Research Triangle Institute, Inc., any amounts determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Southern Africa (1) notify its acquisition staff of USAID requirements related to the Contract Review Board and (2) establish a management control to help ensure that all prospective awards that meet the requirements for review by the Contract Review Board are submitted in a timely manner to the Board.
USAID/Southern Africa identify and implement steps to promote mutually beneficial collaboration between Project Concern International and EngenderHealth.
USAID/Southern Africa develop a plan to devote more staff resources to coordinating HIV/AIDS gender issues.
USAID/Southern Africa (1) immediately correct the noncompliance with Local Governance Support Program contractual branding requirements found at the Tembisa and Kopanong Thuthuzela Care Centers, and (2) devise a branding and marking plan for all Thuthuzela Care Centers to be established under the Women's Justice and Empowerment Initiative that is both acceptable to the South African Government and in accordance with contractual branding requirements.
USAID/Southern Africa establish policies and procedures to ensure that gender-specific targets for its HIV/AIDS indicators are set at the partner-level, where appropriate, in the next planning cycle.
USAID/Southern Africa, in coordination with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as necessary, utilize the self-assessment tool prepared by the Gender Technical Working Group as a guide to improve the capability of the South African PEPFAR Partner Performance Assessment tool.