USAID/Madagascar obtain or develop written guidance for calculating couple years of protection.
USAID/Madagascar update its performance management plan to include all identified data limitations and disclose these data limitations in its annual performance plan and report to Congress.
USAID/Madagascar redo its data quality assessments for family planning and reproductive health indicators that are reported to Washington, verifying source data and data acquisition methodologies.
USAID/Madagascar develop and implement procedures for regular monitoring of implementing partners' data acquisition methods and verification of data quality.
USAID/Madagascar assess the training needs of agreement and contracting officers' technical representatives, develop and implement a plan to provide them and their alternates refresher training as necessary to strengthen awareness of their roles and responsibilities, and develop a schedule for future refresher training.
USAID/Madagascar develop and implement a plan to help ensure agreement and contracting officers' technical representatives conduct site visits and submit site visit reports in accordance with mission and Agency guidance.
USAID/Madagascar determine the allowability of $8,640 paid in rent for the second warehouse through the end of audit fieldwork and recover from Population Services International any amount determined to be unallowable.