Audit of USAID/Afghanistan's Partnership for Advancing Community-Based Education in Afghanistan (PACE-A) Program


USAID/Afghanistan direct CARE International to (1) develop clear standards on teacher training, to be followed by all four partners, which define the requisite training workshops that each teacher
must receive to be considered fully prepared to teach his or her students; and (2) develop and implement a plan to ensure that all supported teachers receive the requisite training in its entirety.

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USAID/Afghanistan direct CARE International to carry out the data quality assurance procedures specified in its performance monitoring plan, which include random field visits at least quarterly to verify the quality of the data furnished by field staff and reported to USAID.

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USAID/Afghanistan (1) conduct a data quality assessment in accordance with the guidance contained in USAID's Automated Directives System (ADS 203.3.5) and (2) conduct limited testing in
conjunction with future site visits to provide assurance as to whether the mission can rely on the results data reported under key performance indicators.

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USAID/Afghanistan direct CARE International to (1) develop a formal class integration strategy and a process that allow for the effective integration of the program's primary education classes into the Ministry of Education's school system and provide a viable alternative that
allows children to continue their learning without having to travel long distances; and (2) implement this integration strategy for all new and, if possible, formerly integrated classes by the program's completion date.

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