Audit of USAID/Pakistan's Capacity Building Program for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas Development Program


USAID/Pakistan provide immediate written guidance to the contractor and to the Federally Administered Tribal Areas governmental institutions to identify contractual arrangements that would be in force to implement the Capacity Building for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas Development Program as the mission transitions to USAID's new implementation strategy.

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USAID/Pakistan develop and issue implementation plans, following best practices, to (1) assign the 260 computers (and related equipment) to the Federally Administered Tribal Areas governmental institutions and (2) transfer the 140 laptop computers to the North-West Frontier Province and ensure that the computer equipment will be used for intended purposes and that maximum benefits will be derived from this equipment.

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USAID/Pakistan take immediate steps to confirm the existence of 72 laptop computers. If the laptop computers cannot be produced, the mission should issue a bill of collection to the contractor for $1,400 for each missing laptop.

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USAID/Pakistan require the contractor to develop and put into use detailed implementation plans for both the geographic information system and the planning commission database under development for use by the Federally Administered Tribal Areas Secretariat. The plans should identify roles and responsibilities to be carried out by the contractor and others and should contain best practices of systems development, such as obtaining approval by stakeholders, establishing target dates for completing user manuals, training users and administrators, and preparing for the final handover of day-to-day operations and maintenance to the Secretariat.

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