Financial Audit of the Citizens' Voice Project in Pakistan Managed by the Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability, Contract AID-391-C-11-00001, July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016


USAID/Pakistan determine the allowability of and recover, as appropriate, ineligible questioned costs of $1,812 identified in the Fund Accountability Statement on page 13 and further detailed in Finding No. 7.1 on pages 26-28 of the report.

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USAID/Pakistan ensure that the Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability correct the one material weakness in internal control identified in the report on internal control on page 21 and further detailed in Finding No. 7.2 on page 29 and the one material instance of noncompliance identified in the report on compliance on page 23 and further detailed in Finding No. 7.1 on pages 26-28 of the report.

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