USAID/Cambodia work with Winrock International Institute for Agriculture Development to implement a plan advocating governmental approval of the subdecree protecting the core forest in Prey Lang Landscape.
USAID/Cambodia work with Winrock International Institute for Agriculture Development to implement a plan to find buyers for nontimber forest products in Prey Lang Landscape so producers get fair prices.
USAID/Cambodia work with Winrock International Institute for Agriculture Development to revise its data collection methods for income-generating activities to count only participants that reside in the communities supported by the project.
USAID/Cambodia work with Winrock International Institute for Agriculture Development to align the performance monitoring and evaluation plan with the performance indicator definitions, data collection methodology, and intended results in the reference sheets for performance indicators.
USAID/Cambodia implement a plan to comply with the mission order on performance monitoring, which requires agreement officer's representatives to verify data during site visits and document the results.
USAID/Cambodia work with Winrock International Institute for Agriculture Development to implement an advocacy plan with the Cambodian Government for the adoption of a revenue-sharing agreement for the Seima Protection Forest demonstration site.
USAID/Cambodia implement a plan to conduct and document periodic physical inspections of all award files to ensure compliance with the requirements in designation letters.