USAID/RDMA conduct a comprehensive data quality assessment of project data to verify that they meet data quality standards.
USAID/RDMA, after the data quality assessment, review and revise the project's monitoring and evaluation plan with the contractor, and implement controls to enforce the plan's use.
USAID/RDMA implement procedures for the contracting officer's representative to follow to confirm, prior to approval, that activity proposals from other U.S. Government agencies clearly relate to project goals.
USAID/RDMA assess the focus of all project activities in the current work plan, and direct the contractor to revise the plan as necessary so that activities advance project goals.
USAID/RDMA require the contractor to implement an overall project work plan that includes activities focused on achieving the project goals.
USAID/RDMA require the contractor to conduct an assessment of the capacity of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Secretariat, use the results and input from the Secretariat to formulate capacity-building activities that can be completed in the time remaining, and modify the contract as necessary.
USAID/RDMA require the contractor to revise the project's monitoring and evaluation plan to include indicators for the additional capacity-building activities for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Secretariat.
USAID/RDMA review the contract language and revise as appropriate to clarify whether technical reports should be funded entirely by the project.