Financial Audit of the Communication for Health Advancement Through Networking and Governance Enhancement Project in the Philippines Managed by Campaigns & Grey Philippines, Contract AID-492-C-13-00005, January 1 to December 31, 2016


USAID/Philippines determine the allowability of and recover, as appropriate, ineligible questioned costs of $8,610 identified in the Fund Accountability Statement on page 10 and further detailed in Exhibit I on pages 22-23 of the report.

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USAID/Philippines ensure that Campaigns & Grey Philippines corrects the one material instance of noncompliance identified in the report on compliance on page 20 and further detailed in Exhibit I (Details of Findings) on pages 22-23 of the report and the two issues which we considered as significant deficiencies in internal control as discussed on page 2 of this memorandum and further detailed in Exhibit II (Management Letter and Response) on page 24 of the report.

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