USAID/Egypt amend the Leaders for Education and Development Scholarship Initiative Program cooperative agreement to require mission approval of annual work plans that establish program activities and target dates related to program objectives.
USAID/Egypt document its review of the monitoring and evaluation plan for the Leaders for Education and Development Scholarship Initiative Program to ensure that performance indicators used to measure program results are defined and documented.
USAID/Egypt develop a monitoring process to periodically review the American University in Cairo's data for completeness, accuracy, and consistency.
USAID/Egypt document its review of the cooperative agreement for the Leaders for Education and Development Scholarship Initiative Program to ensure that mission and implementer activities are identified and understood by all parties and are reflected in other implementing documents such as the work and monitoring plans.
USAID/Egypt develop and implement a monitoring plan to track and assess the leadership and development activities of graduates of the Leaders for Education and Development Scholarship Initiative Program to document program impact.