USAID/Egypt's Democracy and Governance Office review and identify delayed projects in the Transition Support Grants Program and send a written list to USAID/Egypt's Procurement Office for action.
USAID/Egypt's Procurement Office, in coordination with USAID/Egypt's Democracy and Governance Office, make a written determination to revise, suspend, or terminate transition grants.
USAID/Egypt's Office of Democracy and Governance conduct and document an assessment of the International Republican Institute and National Democratic Institute grants made under the Transition Support Grants Program to determine whether the current funding is sufficient to complete program activities and cover anticipated costs.
USAID/Egypt's Democracy and Governance Office determine the validity of the reported results for democracy and governance activities under the cooperative agreement and document its review.
USAID/Egypt's Financial Management Office perform and document an independent financial review of the grantee's expenditures, and use supporting documentation to liquidate advances.
USAID/Egypt's Procurement Office determine the allowability of $526,204 in unsupported questioned costs for expenses incurred by the grantee and recover any amounts determined to be unallowable.