USAID/Iraq's Democracy and Governance Office implement a monitoring plan so that it tracks the status of programs in comparison with their deadlines.
USAID/Iraq's Democracy and Governance Office work with implementers to reevaluate and document ongoing and periodic training needs assessments so that training courses are effective and meet the needs of the target audience.
USAID/Iraq ask the Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance in the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance to conduct a worldwide evaluation of legislative strengthening programs and update the USAID Handbook on Legislative Strengthening to include guidance on how to better design and implement effective projects based on past
USAID/Iraq's Democracy and Governance Office report AECOM's performance in the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System so that the Compliance and Oversight for Partner Performance division has an accurate, descriptive narrative of AECOM's contract termination.
USAID/Iraq determine the allowability of $1,486,609 in questioned costs from the Iraq Legislative Strengthening Program contract (identified on page 9) and recover any amounts determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Iraq reconsider all programs that were exempted from cost-share requirements and determine in writing how to obtain them from the Government of Iraq.
USAID/Iraq's Democracy and Governance Office require each program to include a contingency plan that establishes rules for when it is necessary to reobligate resources toward programs that are demonstrating meaningful results.
USAID/Iraq implement a process that reviews memorandum of understandings when political leadership undergoes significant change and a process to determine if the memorandum of understanding should be updated or a program should be suspended until an official agreement has been reached with the Government of Iraq.