USAID/Iraq require Tetra Tech DPK to set baselines, in writing, for two performance indicators so that USAID/Iraq could have
reportable results to use when making future contract decisions.
USAID/Iraq, in coordination with Tetra Tech
DPK, implement procedures to award grants to civil society organizations with existing
activities that align with Access to Justice Program goals.
USAID/Iraq implement a written plan for mission staff to verify the accuracy of information from the contractor on a regular basis.
USAID/Iraq document reviews of Access to Justice Program performance management plan indicator targets for reasonableness, and make any adjustments resulting from the review.
USAID/Iraq implement a written plan to monitor Tetra Tech DPK's grants selection and award process on a regular basis. The plan should include comparisons of grantee evaluations to established eligibility and evaluation criteria.
USAID/Iraq conduct and document a review of Tetra Tech DPK's preaward risk assessment procedures, and direct Tetra Tech DPK to implement any recommendations from the review.
USAID/Iraq direct Tetra Tech DPK to amend its subawards to include the required trafficking in persons provision.