USAID/West Bank and Gaza strengthen Technical and Vocational Education and Training Program results reporting to ensure that indicators are effective in measuring goal achievements and that baseline data are collected to measure impact.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza provide guidance to agreement/contracting officer's technical representatives and partners to establish improved standards for acceptance of work plans and reports, as well as developing guides for preparing written documents.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza complete a performance management plan that includes detailed definitions of all Technical and Vocational Education and Training Program indicators.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza verify and correct any errors in the reported results data for the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Program.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza revise Mission Order 21 to include provisions to report violations of the mission's antiterrorism requirements to the mission director and the Regional Inspector General/Cairo.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza determine the allowability of $16,063 for lease costs charged by Save the Children to USAID/West Bank and Gaza under cooperative agreement no. 294-A-00-07-00210-00 for payments to entities that were not vetted prior to signing the lease subcontracts and collect from Save the Children any amount determined to be unallowable.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza develop a plan with milestones to prioritize Technical and Vocational Education and Training Program activities to maximize the impact of the program during its last year, to include implementing safety measures as soon as possible and providing for the sustainability of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training League.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza develop and implement quality standards for accepting implementation plans and policies for suspension of payments to awardees without approved implementation plans.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza require Save the Children to obtain gender strategies, including gender targets, from each of the benefiting Technical and Vocational Education and Training institutions.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza provide guidance to its staff to reemphasize the requirements of Automated Directives System 201 to implement a gender strategy in all of its activities.