USAID/West Bank and Gaza implement procedures describing how it intends to incorporate the conflict and mitigation management guidance in its Peace and Reconciliation Program starting in fiscal year 2014.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza implement its plan to hire an accounting firm to conduct and follow up on preaward surveys and build the financial capacity of organizations.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza implement a capacity-building plan for the implementers of its Peace and Reconciliation Program.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza implement and document mission-specific procedures that include requiring agreement officer's representatives to perform and document reviews of reported results in the mission's data reporting system, and periodically validating agreement officer's representatives' compliance with these procedures.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza issue guidance to implementers on how to calculate reported results for the program's indicators.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza coordinate with the implementers of the Peace and Reconciliation Program to correct errors in data reported in Geo-MIS data reporting system and document the results.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza review access rights for implementers within the mission's data reporting system and restrict their access to the prior year's data.