USAID/Ghana, in coordination with EngenderHealth, review and revise its implementation plan for 2010 to ensure that sufficient hospital staff is trained or retrained, and to ensure that the work plan includes sufficient followup with the hospitals to implement clearly defined action plans.
USAID/Ghana, in collaboration with EngenderHealth, develop a system that more carefully measures the results of the activities performed by EngenderHealth.
USAID/Ghana develop its new HIV/AIDS prevention activity to build the capacity of local institutions and improve the prospects for sustainability by entering into longer subagreements and improving the subpartner selection process.
USAID/Ghana advocate for improved HIV/AIDS commodity procurement and storage in a letter to the Director General of the Ghana AIDS Commission that includes this section of the audit report and points out the need for adequate equipment in warehouses to guarantee quality of antiretroviral therapy drugs.
USAID/Ghana work with John Snow International and revise the DELIVER work plan to include preparation of a disposal plan to assist the Government of Ghana in the disposal of expired goods.
USAID/Ghana's HIV/AIDS team establish written procedures to revise its performance targets for the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief activities to reflect realistic expectations.
USAID/Ghana implement controls requiring that Opportunities Industrialization Centers International use the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief guidelines to verify the eligibility of all students who receive scholarships as part of the HOPE program and document and maintain each student's personal file at Opportunities Industrialization Centers International offices.
USAID/Ghana require Opportunities Industrialization Centers International to develop and implement financial controls to confirm that the scholarship recipients receive their allowances on time and in full.
USAID/Ghana direct all partners in writing to develop branding plans to ensure adherence to USAID branding guidelines (which may include obtaining waivers).