USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo establish and implement procedures to require activity managers to provide the agreement officer or contracting officer the specific environmental assessment requirements from the Initial Environmental Examination to be included in the solicitation documents, and include environmental compliance expertise in the evaluation criteria for selecting implementing partners.
USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo establish and implement procedures to require implementing partners to respond to environmental assessment requirements in their proposal, detailing staff and budget necessary to address environmental assessment and monitoring concerns associated with the project.
USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo require activity managers to follow up with the Regional Contracting Officer to ensure that environment assessment and monitoring requirements are included in agreements and contracts signed by implementing partners.
USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo revise and update its Mission Environmental Officer appointment memorandum to include the recommended language specified in the ADS 204 Additional Help, " Recommended Mission Environmental Officer Appointment Memorandum. "
USAID//Democratic Republic of Congo develop and implement processes that require environmental compliance issues are considered at all stages of projects in its portfolio, and document these processes in a Mission Order.
USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo develop, document, and implement a plan of action to provide periodic life-ofproject environmental compliance training for mission staff and implementing partners.