USAID/Guinea, in coordination with USAID/Senegal's Regional Financial Management Office, implement procedures that track its annual audit plan and verify that required audits are performed in compliance with regulations. These procedures should include a checklist of all the required tasks, the name of the employee in charge of each task, and a timeline for each one so all audits are submitted to Regional Inspector General/Dakar on time.
USAID/Guinea, in coordination with USAID/Senegal's Regional Financial Management Office, revise its current audit plan to incorporate the close-out audit of the Baptist Convention and hire an audit firm to perform it.
USAID/Guinea, in coordination with USAID/Senegal's Regional Financial Management Office, implement procedures to verify that it performs close-out audits in accordance with Agency policies.
USAID/Guinea, in coordination with USAID/Senegal's Regional Office of Assistance and Acquisition and USAID/Washington, implement a plan to close expired awards and deobligate any remaining balances as required by applicable USAID policy.