USAID/West Africa determine whether incountry managers of USAID's President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief activities in Cote d'Ivoire should be designated as activity managers through fiscal year 2012 and clearly define their roles and responsibilities accordingly.
USAID/West Africa analyze the capabilities of current and incoming personnel in Cote d'Ivoire and grant them an effective and appropriate level of authority for the day-to-day management of activities under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, taking into account their unique operating environment.
USAID/West Africa, in conjunction with Associazione Voluntari per Servici Internationale and Save the Children, develop and implement procedures for verifying reported data with source documentation, documenting key assumptions and calculations, and maintaining documentation to
support results and other program data reported to USAID.
USAID/West Africa perform and document a data quality assessment of data reported for Associazione Voluntari per Servici Internationale and Save the Children activities to ensure compliance with USAID guidelines and document results of the assessment.
USAID/West Africa develop and implement procedures that require Associazione Voluntari per Servici Internationale to use the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief guidelines to verify the eligibility of all orphans and vulnerable children who receive assistance as part of the program and document and maintain a record of each orphan and vulnerable child's eligibility at the centers where the orphans and vulnerable children receive assistance from the program.